On this page:
To add new orders to the system, there are 3 ways:
- Create an order
- Import an order
- Import orders with an eCommerce platform
Create an order #
(2 ways)
-1. from the orders tab in the menu
– 2. You can also directly create from products page by marking the products from the product list and add them to an order
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1. To create a new order from the orders page:
Go to menu ->orders -> click the blue button and choose type ”simple” to create a new order

2. To create an order directly from the products page
In Menu -> Products and Select products from the product list. After click ‘add to an order‘.
It will show you the selected products, select quantity and press ‘ADD‘.

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Filling in the fields
Fill in all fields with the required information and save the order->
Primary information ->
1. Phone
2. Name
3. Email
Address ->
1. Postal code
2. Location
3. Address – Street, Block, Entrance, Apartment
Transportation details ->
1. Sender
2. Shipping carrier
3. Shipping rate of the carrier
4. Pick up point – Select the office where you want the order to arrive (only if you don’t have a home address)
5. Price (automatically generated)
6. Delivery price (automatically generated)
7. Delivery date (optional)
8. Delivery time (from-to) (optional)
9. Comment (optional)

Once you have filled in the form, click the “Save” button->

2. Import orders with file
It is really easy to import orders to the system. To add them go to Menu -> Orders -> Orders

You will see two options on the screen:
- File
- Ecommerce Platform
You need to select the first option -> “File”

– Press ”Get example” to download a table for order info, save it and then press ”pick file” to import the table. ->

- Open the downloaded table and fill in the fields. You are also able to edit them after the file has been picked ->

1. ExtID – external order ID. It is very important to note here that the order ID and the product ID must match.
2. Name – the name of the recipient.
3. Phone – the recipient’s phone number.
4. Email – The recipient’s email address.
5. Warehouse – Warehouse identification number.
6. Shop – the identification number of the store.
7. paymentState – payment status
8. postcode – postal code.
9. Locality – Settlement
10. Street– street
11. House – house number or street.
12. sender – sender ID number
13. rate – ID rate
14. servicePoint – Pickup ID
15. offer – product identifier
16. name – The name of the product.
17. price – Price
18. count – Number
*Important Note
- The first line should always be in English.
- The second line is the order information.
- The third line is product information.
Please note that the external ID of the product and the order must always match.
An example of a table for importing orders.
Import the saved file from ”pick file” button

You can edit some fields when file is imported by double clicking in the field you want to edit ->

Then you need to click the “Save All” button.
3. Import orders with an eCommerce platform #
When orders are imported with an eCommerce platform we enter the order by its external ID ( Id of the order in the marketplace ).
When you go to Menu -> Orders and press the Import button

Then choose ‘Ecommerce Platform‘ ->
A new panel will pop up, fill in the fields. The external ID is the ID of the order in the marketplace.

When the import is successful, a green pop up will show and the imported order will open ->