Checking is done by the employee by scanning all products before confirming them. It is done to ensure that the items are with the same quantity that it says in the Purchase order document. This option might be skipped but it is especially important for big warehouses because when you have too many items and skip to the step of confirming, you might end up with more or fewer items than expected, because of an error in the document.
*Important – When checking has been started all the unscanned items will be deleted from the document!
PO checking through the Terminal
To start checking goods to the warehouse, first, you have to go to the newly created Purchase order document –
Go to Menu and open up Terminal
1. Press ”Receiving” ->

2. Next, choose manual receiving ->

*Note* Guided receiving is only for accepting FIFO /First in First out/ products, those that have an expiration date.
3. Your list with the PO’s will show up. The newest document will be on the top of the list –

Note* You can also start checking or confirm directly from the document When you open the document, click the ‘checking‘ button on the top
/check pic/
After pressing it, the button will go orange.

4. Scan working /employee/ place

5. And now we scan all products – /By scanning the product, you start the process of ‘checking’ the document and you have to finish it and then ‘confirm‘ the document!/

Note* If you continue to scan more than the quantity in the PO, it will add them to the document automatically. The limit is a max of 250 scanned SKUs.
After confirming it you are going to have to place the items,
Please, read ‘Placing / Moving products with Terminal‘.