Weekly release notes, November, #44

Featured Monthly Update

The ‘‘Items Change’’ and ‘‘Item Place Change’’ features have been enhanced for faster and more convenient usage. Now, you can alter the quantity of items and relocate them to different storage locations simultaneously with just a few clicks. Additionally, you can view the historical data of item locations.

Other Updates and Minor Code Adjustments:

  • The revision now allows viewing of more waves without page reloading.
  • Minor modifications have been made to the ‘‘Account Custom Finance’’ report.
  • The FBM importing issue has been resolved.
  • The ‘Items Change’ feature has been improved for easier usage.
  • Minor distribution-related picking issues have been fixed.


  • The filter has been slightly modified for better convenience and reliability.
  • The PO document has been visually enhanced. Now, blocked and confirmed items are highlighted in green or red, respectively.
  • We’ve added the ability to confirm only selected items from a PO document.

Billing Accounts:

  • Invoices must now be confirmed before linking with ‘Stripe’.


  • You now have the option to automatically confirm FBM orders if desired.
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